How To Make A Secret Room Under Your Bed


How To Make A Secret Room Under Your Bed

Would you like to have a secret hiding spot right under your bed? It’s easier than you think

Making a secret room under your bed can be a fun and exciting project. 

First, you’ll need to choose the perfect location under your bed where you can create your secret space. Then, gather some basic materials like wood, screws, and a saw. Next, carefully measure the space and start building your secret room’s frame. Make sure to leave a hidden entrance, like a trapdoor or a sliding panel, so you can get in and out easily. 

Finally, add some finishing touches like paint or decorations to make your secret room cozy and inviting. With a little creativity and effort, you’ll have your own hidden oasis right under your bed.

How To Create A Hidden Room Under Your Bed: The Ultimate Space-Saving Hack

How To Create A Hidden Room Under Your Bed: The Ultimate Space-Saving Hack
How To Create A Hidden Room Under Your Bed: The Ultimate Space-Saving Hack

In today’s compact urban homes, every inch of space is precious. We constantly seek new ways to declutter and maximize storage, yet still struggle to find room for all our possessions. But what if you could unlock hidden square footage right beneath one of the largest pieces of furniture in your bedroom?


Creating a secret room under your bed is an ingenious space-saving hack that can revolutionize your living situation. It’s the perfect spot to stow away clothes, files, collections, and more – all while keeping your main space clutter-free. Or take it a step further and build out a truly hidden refuge – a cozy reading nook, pampering station, or miniature home theater.

Sounds too good to be true? This in-depth guide will walk you through every step of how to make a secret room under your bed, from planning and construction to creative design ideas. 

The Surprising Benefits of Under-Bed Storage

Most people think of the area under their bed as just a dust bunny collector. But with some clever space-utilization, that forgotten void can become prime real estate. Here are some of the key advantages.

Space Savings: By claiming the empty zone under your bed, you’ll gain tons of extra storage space without sacrificing an inch of your actual floor area. It’s like getting a whole new closet or room.

Hidden and Out of Sight: Let’s face it – few of us are natural-born organizers. Under-bed storage allows you to stash away clutter and keep your bedroom looking neat and tidy.

Customizable: Whether you need drawers, shelves, garment racks or just open space, you can create the perfect underbed storage solution tailored to your specific needs and belongings.

Added Security: Build a fully hidden compartment under your bed to discreetly store valuables like jewelry, cash, personal documents and more.

Planning Your Under-Bed Haven

Planning Your Under-Bed Haven
Planning Your Under-Bed Haven

Before you start swinging a hammer, it’s crucial to plan out all aspects of your under-bed room. Here are some key considerations.

  1. Measure the Available Space: Carefully measure the length, width, and height under your bed to determine the maximum dimensions for your storage area or hideaway. Don’t forget to account for the thickness of the bed frame.
  2. Decide What You’ll Store: Make a list of all the items you’d like to keep in your underbed space. This could include off-season clothes, shoes, extra linens, books, files, keepsakes and collections.
  3. Determine Access: Will you install a hinged top that lifts up? Removable side or front panels? A vertical pull-out drawer? Consider what type of access will be most convenient.
  4. Check for Obstacles: Look out for potential obstructions like pipes, vents, wiring or floor moldings that could impact your design.
  5. Think About Lighting and Ventilation: If you plan on spending time in your underbed room, you’ll likely want lighting, air circulation and maybe even climate control.
  6. Power Needs: Make a note of whether you’ll need wiring for electrical outlets, low-voltage lighting, cable/ethernet for a TV or other powered components.

“There is no better way to make your home feel bigger than by adding well-designed storage,” notes professional organizer Emily Griffieth-Watts. “And underbed storage is the ultimate ‘hidden in plain sight’ solution.”

DIY vs. Hiring a Pro for Your Under-Bed Project

Handy homeowners with some construction experience may be able to tackle an underbed storage or hideout project on their own. But for more involved builds with complex framing, electrical work or HVAC integration, you’ll likely want to hire a professional carpenter or renovation contractor.

Pros of a DIY Under Bed Room:

  • Much lower cost
  • Total control over design and customizations
  • Sense of pride and accomplishment
  • Ability to work at your own pace

Cons of a DIY Under Bed Room:

  • Requires skills with tools and construction methods
  • Potential for structural issues if not built properly
  • May be difficult for complex projects
  • No professional warranties or liability protection

When to Hire a Pro:

  • Your underbed room requires major structural changes
  • You’re integrating electrical, HVAC or plumbing systems
  • Hiring help for efficiency on a time-sensitive project
  • You lack the necessary skills or construction experience
  • Local codes require permits and professional sign-offs

No matter whether you DIY or hire a contractor, check with your local town or municipality about building permit requirements before starting any renovation projects. Major structural work usually requires approvals and inspections.


Building Your Secret Under-Bed Room

Building Your Secret Under-Bed Room
Building Your Secret Under-Bed Room

Okay, you’ve got your measurements and plans – now it’s time to swing into action! Here is an overview of how to construct a basic underbed storage area or secret room:

Pro Tip: Sketch out your underbed room in 3D design software like SketchUp before building to spot potential issues.

  1. Create a Framed Structure: Use pressure-treated lumber to build a framed “box” secured to the surrounding floor. Add vertical supports every 16-24 inches to support the top/bed later.
  2. Install the Floor: Lay down plywood, OSB or other rigid underlayment material to create the bottom floor of your underbed room.
  3. Frame the Access: Build out sections for access doors, hatches, or pull-out drawers that will open into the space.
  4. Construct the Ceiling/Top: Install structural beams or ceiling joists as headers to support the top/bed. Use plywood or drywall for the top surface.
  5. Add Exterior Access: If desired, build out an access hatch, port or removable panel to get into your underbed room from the outside.
  6. Insulate and Seal: To control temperature and noise, add insulation like rigid foam boards or batting. Seal seams and gaps with caulk.
  7. Install Lighting: Wire in lighting components – recessed cans, strips, portable lamps, etc. Don’t forget switched outlets for lamps and accessories.
  8. Ventilation and Climate Control: For an inhabited underbed room, you may need an air vent, small AC unit, or heating source. Coordinate HVAC contractors if needed.
  9. Interior Finish Work: Install drywall or paneling on walls and ceilings. Paint, add storage components like shelving or drawers as desired.

Creative Under-Bed Storage and Design Ideas

Creative Under-Bed Storage and Design Ideas
Creative Under-Bed Storage and Design Ideas

While it’s certainly handy, underbed storage doesn’t have to be purely functional and boring. With some imagination, you can create a truly special multi-purpose space.

Clothing Storage Galore | Add garment racks, drawers, cubbies and more to create the ultimate underbed dressing room or closet.

The Collector’s Lair | Display prized collectibles or build shelving to neatly stash away your comic, action figure or sports memorabilia collection.

Kids’ Secret Hideout | Let their imagination run wild by transforming the under-bed space into a playhouse, hidden fort or storybook nook.

Home Office Expansion | Install a fold-down desk and filing cabinets to extend your home working or study area.

Relaxation Station | Create a cozy reading nook or lounge by adding plush seating, accent lighting and maybe a drink cooler.

Stealthy Media Room | Built in a projector or TV mount against one interior wall for a totally hidden home theater.

The options are endless for customizing and decorating your underbed room. Get creative with color, textures, wallpaper, rugs, artwork and more to craft a uniquely personalized space.

Pros and Cons of an Under-Bed Room

Pros and Cons of an Under-Bed Room
Pros and Cons of an Under-Bed Room

Like any storage solution or renovation project, underbed rooms come with their own sets of advantages and potential drawbacks to weigh:

Advantages of an Under Bed Room

  • Major space savings over conventional furniture or closets
  • Secret, hidden and out-of-sight – perfect for decluttering
  • Customizable for specific storage needs or leisure activities
  • Fun novelty factor for kids’ areas and guest rooms

Potential Downsides of Underbe

Potential Downsides of Under Bed Rooms

  • Height Limitations: Unless you have very high ceilings, underbed rooms will have low vertical clearance which can feel cramped for taller individuals.
  • Moisture and Air Flow: The underside of beds can collect dust, moisture and stale air if not properly sealed and ventilated.
  • Access: Depending on the design, getting in and out of your underbed room may be awkward compared to a traditional closet or room.
  • Initial Cost: While very space-efficient, building an under bed room requires more upfront investment than simple bed risers or containers.
  • Reduced Mobility: An under bed room is not very practical if you move residences frequently, as it will need to be deconstructed.

Maintaining Your Underbed Oasis

To keep your new underbed room clean, functional and structurally sound over the years, be sure to follow these maintenance tips.

✔️ Inspect Regularly for any moisture buildup, leaks, or structural issues with the framing/supports.

✔️ Control Humidity by running a dehumidifier periodically if condensation is a problem.

✔️ Clean Often to prevent dust/debris accumulation. Use a vacuum’s crevice tool in corners.

✔️ Ensure Airflow by leaving access panels/doors open when possible and using fans if needed.

✔️ Check Lighting – replace burnt-out bulbs promptly for safety.

✔️ Child-Proof Security if kids will be playing in or around the underbed area.

With some basic upkeep, your secret underbed getaway can provide years of valuable storage or leisure space.

Frequently Asked Question

How much does it cost to build an under-bed room?

Costs can vary significantly based on the size, materials, and complexity. A basic DIY frame and panels may only be a few hundred dollars, while hiring professionals for an elaborate build can run $5,000+.

Is an under-bed room safe and up to code?

As long as you follow proper construction methods, use fire-resistant materials, and obtain any required permits from your local municipality, an under-bed room can absolutely be built safely and to code.

How do I ventilate and get air flow to an under-bed room? 

Install vent fans or connect ductwork to your HVAC system to circulate fresh air. Dehumidifiers can also help control moisture levels in the enclosed space.

What’s the maximum height for an under-bed room? 

Most are built with ceiling heights between 2-4 feet to leave enough clearance under the bed frame. Taller builds are possible if you have very high ceilings.

Can I run electrical wiring and outlets in an under-bed room? 

Yes, you can wire in lighting, outlets and even A/V components, but the electrical work should be done safely by professionals if you lack experience.

How do I make sure my under-bed room is well-hidden? 

Use camouflaged access panels that blend in with baseboards or closets. Create multiple entry points. And never underestimate the power of a bookcase door!

What’s the best way to maximize storage in an under-bed room?

Install custom shelving, drawers, racks and cubbies to organize belongings. Use vertical space efficiently. Rotate seasonal items in and out as needed.


By unlocking the full potential of that often-neglected void beneath your bed, you can radically transform that wasted space into amazing storage or an incredible hideout. Whether you’re seeking to reduce clutter, optimize a small home, or create a private retreat, an underbed room could be the perfect solution.

While constructing an underbed room does take some initial planning and effort, the long-term benefits more than justify the investment. You’ll gain ample bonus space customized precisely to your needs – all tucked away discreetly so it doesn’t disturb your main living areas.

So start measuring and dreaming up ideas! With a bit of creativity and elbow grease, you can join the growing ranks of savvy space-hackers who have unlocked all their home has to offer – even the hidden potential under the mattress.

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